Monday, September 22, 2008

Rhubarb? What rhubarb?

So this weekend was a bit slow compared to usual. That sounds funny because we actually had house guests. My sister came down from WY for the weekend. However, we had dinner at my parents Friday and only the Taylor and Takoda slept at our house. It was good to have Taylor here because Amanda actually wants to come over. Amanda spent most of Saturday with us. Elizabeth and her family stayed with her father-in-law Saturday night, so it was quick.

When I saw Brett and Jenny Burton at church I asked them if they noticed they were missing a big plant in the backyard. Brett asked a few questions to figure out which one I meant. On Saturday I took all the rhubarb. :) I don't think it's been harvested since I last did it in June! The plant was HUGE! Brett laughed and said he hadn't known what it was. The leaves were so big he wondered if it was a pumpkin or zucc
hini plant. He kept waiting for a squash of some kind to grow on it. He said at one point he thought about pulling it out. I said it's a good thing you didn't; Sharon's very fond of her rhubarb! LOL

Speaking of Pumpkins, our three little plants are thriving. I would estimate we have at least 20 pumpkins; some of which have already turned orange. We still have another month until Halloween!

For some reason cucumbers have always done well in our little backyard garden. I give loads and loads of them away. This week I decided I would try putting up relish. It looks and tastes pretty good. If you like cucumbers, let me know!

As I mentioned previously, Aysia is playing soccer this fall. She is pretty good at it. She gets right in there and she is quick. She has made more goals then most. She is also taking a jazz dance class on Wednesdays. She keeps me very busy! Since Pre-k started on Sept 9th I have gone non-stop. So I decided I couldn't do Gymboree anymore. I have put in my two weeks notice. I will really miss all the good deals I have found while there and the great discount.

Oh...guess what! I have a student teacher helping me in pre-k on Thursdays! It's great to have free help; especially on Thursdays. That's the three year old class. She said she was looking for an in home school, because that's what she wants to do. She is impressed with my set up. I tell her I was very blessed to have a wonderful sister-in-law quitting the business who gave me my incredible start. Thank you Karine!

I have been asked to be a chairperson for an enrichment cooking club. They will be meeting - not once a month - but every other week. Once in the day (12:30) and two weeks later in the evening (6:30). This should help keep me busy. Tomorrow is the first meeting. I hope it's successful.

Well, it's not been a very exciting week. I need to remember to take more pictures during the week to make reading this a bit more entertaining; because I'm not very entertaining. :)

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