Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hobble Creek Campout

This last weekend was another busy one! We went to the ward camp-out up Hobble Creek Canyon. We wanted to get under way as soon as Aysia got home from school Friday (3:00); but when have we ever left for vacation (mini or long) at the planned time? I think...NEVER. We left at 4:30. Taunie and I had planned to have our evening meal together (Dutch Oven). The ward was supplying breakfast. I took frozen chicken down to her around 1:00 pm. When the Anderson's arrived around 5:30 - about 20 minutes after us- the chicken was still a little frozen. We were suppose to get there before them to start the coals. We didn't have any "scout water" and so needless to say it took some time to get dinner cooked. One thing you gotta love about a ward function though, is there's never a lack of advice of what you could've done to make things work out better. Well...lesson learned; cut chicken into smaller pieces, defrost completely, and don't forget the lighter fluid. Once it was finally ready to eat (8:30ish) it was really good, or we were just really hungry. James would've liked more salt, but not enough to get some from the trailer. LOL. The Peach cobbler would've made Poppi proud! was good.

The kids had a lot of fun. Aidan was the first to crash. He's snuggled in the sleeping bag next to Alec, but you'd never know from this picture. It was a very cold night! It took a good hour snuggled with Billy before I quit shivering. Taunie and James have their tent trailer, but they didn't turn the heater on - due to a misunderstanding of whether it worked or not - So they froze too!
We enjoyed ourselves. But as part of the activities committee we have voted to do it earlier in the summer.

As I mentioned before, Aidan and Alec are now "officially" sharing a room. I caught Alec curled up with Aidan again the other night. It's pretty cute, he was using Aidan's leg as a pillow.

Preschool has started. It's actually going very well. Usually the first few weeks are the hardest as everyone gets used to the new routine. I'm enjoying having Aidan go to Chloe's on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He doesn't get bored because he doesn't have to do everything twice AND he gets a play date too! What will I do when Christy moves??? Eleanor is such a grown up! I know she's only three, but don't tell her that! I enjoy getting to know my nieces and nephews better when they come to Pre-k.

Chloe 1st day
My Prince Aidan
Eleanor - two handed artist!

I taught the lesson in RS on Sunday. I haven't had a lesson I felt real good about for a while. They aren't terrible, I just can't seem to get past that the last good one I gave was on the day my brother died. As I was preparing I read the wrong lesson (oops), and I was excited about it. Chapter 17 is on The Plan of Salvation. I taught about this hundreds of times on my mission. But I learned some new things! Joesph Smith did speak with the Lord and angels. He restored the gospel and there is so much we can learn from studying his teaching and the revelations he received. That's not the something new I learned! But - it is an awesome lesson (that's chapter 17). I encourage anyone reading this Blog to read it before it's taught. I just taught chapter 15, so it's coming up soon. I taught on Establishing the Cause of Zion, which ended up not being as hard to teach as I thought it would be.
If Babylon is the city of the world, Zion is the city of God. Basically, we need to find a way to live in Zion (be pure in heart) as Babylon (the world) crashes in around our shores. Joesph basically says, service is the key. And attending the temple is a way to bring Zion into our hearts and homes. Keeping us strong against the storms of mortal life. Also we must share the gospel with our fiends and neighbors so it can be spread to the four corners of the earth before Christ returns to reign in Zion. One of my favorite lines from the lesson was "We seek Zion because it is the habitation of our Lord, who is Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. " That's 20 minutes of lesson edited to 20 seconds. Okay, I feel I've shared my part for today.

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